Jason Grinnell

Jason D. Grinnell, Ph.D.

Chair and Professor Buckham Hall B223
Office: (716) 878-5289
Email: grinnejd@buffalostate.edu

Areas of Specialization: Race and Philosophy, Applied Ethics

Areas of Competence: Ancient Philosophy, Philosophy of Biology, Social Philosophy, Philosophy of Social Science


Ph.D.         Applied Philosophy    Bowling Green State University                    

Dissertation: Biology, Policy, and the Racial Contract 
Committee:  M. Bradie, S. Worley, C. Morris, M. Gromko (Professor of Biology)

M.A.          Applied Philosophy    Bowling Green State University                    

B.A.           History                          University of Minnesota                     

Courses Taught at Buffalo State

  • PHI 401 Seminar in Race, Biology, and Policy
  • PHI 401 Seminar in Reproductive Ethics
  • PHI 347 World of Socrates
  • PHI 317 Plato and Aristotle
  • PHI 301 Justice: Liberty v Equality
  • PHI 300/BIO 389 Bioethics (with A. McMillan, Professor of Biology)
  • PHI 300/BIO 389 Biology, Values, and Society (with A. McMillan, Professor of Biology)
  • PHI 204 Philosophy of Religion
  • PHI 202 Philosophy of Human Nature
  • PHI 113 Environmental Ethics
  • PHI 111 Ethics for Scientists
  • PHI 103 Introduction to Logic
  • PHI 102 Introduction to Ethics
  • PHI 101 Introduction to Philosophy
  • HON 309 Western Ideals of Excellence
  • HON 301 Values and Ethics in the Professions
  • HON 101 What Does It Mean to Be Human? (learning community with HON 102 taught by MAH Director McMillan)
  • HON 101 Philosophy and the City
  • HON 100 Honors Seminar
  • BSC 101 Foundations of Inquiry