John D. Draeger, Ph.D.
Prof + Dir, Tchng + Lng Ctr Buckham Hall B226Office: (716) 878-4320
Email: draegejd@buffalostate.edu
About John D. Draeger
Dr. Draeger earned his Ph.D. in philosophy from Syracuse University. He joined the faculty in fall 2005 after teaching at Weber State University in Ogden, UT. He teaches courses in ethics, political philosophy, and philosophy of law. He became the director of the SoTL program in 2009. He divides his research time between work in moral philosophy and work in the scholarship of teaching and learning. His current projects in philosophy include a large project concerning the nature of respect for gendered persons. His current SoTL projects include work on higher-order thinking, general education, and metacognition.
He is co-creator of a new endeavor, Improve with Metacognition.
Selected Publications in Philosophy
Draeger, J. (2011). “Gay Rights: A Question of Fairness.” Philosophy Now 87, 22-23.
Draeger, J. (2011). “What Peeping Tom Did Wrong.” Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 14 (1), 41-49.
Draeger, J. (2010). “Can Girls Go Wild with Self-Respect?” in College, Sex, and Philosophy, eds. Michael Bruce and Robert Stewart (Blackwell).
Draeger, J. (2008). “Must We Care about Racial Injustice,” Journal of Social Philosophy 39, 62-76.
Selected Publications in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Draeger, J., del Prado Hill, P. and Mahler, R. (forthcoming). "Developing a student conception of academic rigor" Innovative Higher Education.
Brogt, E. & Draeger, J. (forthcoming). “Academic rigor in general education: introductory astronomy courses for non-science majors” Journal of General Education.
Mahler, R., Draeger, J. and del Prado Hill, P. (2014). “Comparing Faculty and Student Models of Academic Rigor.” International Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Studies (forthcoming).
Draeger, J. (2013). “Why bother with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning?’ Insight: a Journal of Scholarly Teaching 8, 12-19.
Draeger, J., del Prado Hill, P., Hunter, L.R., and Mahler, R. (2013). “The Anatomy of Academic Rigor: One Institutional Journey.” Innovative Higher Education 38 (4), 267-279.
Draeger, J. (2012). “Are Students Academically Adrift?” International Commons 7(1), 3-4.
Draeger, J. and Price, L. (2011). “Which Way to SoTL Utopia?” International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 5(1).